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Strategic Website Updates to Boost Sales in Uncertain Times

The current economic climate is uncertain, and businesses are looking for ways to stay current in order to boost sales. One of the best ways to bolster your business during a recession is by making strategic website updates, and the Boardman Chamber of Commerce is here to help with tried-and-true tips. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most effective website changes you can make to improve your bottom line and keep your business thriving, including adding PDF tools and focusing on SEO.

Add Strong Headlines

The headline of your website is one of the most important elements when it comes to driving conversions. A strong headline should be succinct and attention-grabbing, while also conveying the message you want visitors to take away from your page. Make sure that you are using words that evoke emotion and create a sense of urgency so that visitors feel compelled to take action.

Create A Call To Action

Once visitors have read your headline, they need the incentive to take action on your page. Adding a strong call-to-action (CTA) button or link can help drive conversions by prompting visitors to complete an action such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading an ebook. Your CTA should stand out from the rest of the page with bold colors and text so that it’s easy for visitors to find and click on.

Include Video Customer Testimonials

Video customer testimonials are a great way to showcase how satisfied customers are with your product or service. These videos should be short but powerful enough to persuade potential customers into taking action on your page. Video testimonials are also more likely to be shared than written reviews, which can help spread awareness about your business even further via social media.

Keep Your Content Evergreen

When updating content on your site, make sure you’re using evergreen content. This means content that remains relevant no matter what period it was created in. This type of content helps keep pages fresh without having to update them regularly and ensures that search engine algorithms don’t penalize you for outdated information. Evergreen content also helps build trust with potential customers who may be wary of purchasing from unknown businesses during times of economic uncertainty.

Include Posts From Guest Bloggers

Guest bloggers can provide valuable insight into topics related to your industry as well as create fresh content for visitors who may already be familiar with your site’s offerings. Inviting guest bloggers onto your site also allows potential customers access to new perspectives, which could help them make better decisions when considering whether or not they should purchase from you during times of economic hardship. You can also reach out to bloggers you admire and inquire about a beneficial post exchange.

Boost Your Page Speed

Page speed matters when it comes to keeping visitors engaged with your website and converting them into paying customers. If pages load slowly, then visitors may become frustrated and leave before they've had a chance to explore all that you have offered. Improving page speed can help reduce bounce rates while providing users with faster access, which leads to increased satisfaction levels overall.

Use PDF Tools For Protection

PDFs are great tools when it comes to protecting both yourself and customers during times of economic uncertainty, as they give access to added security features like encryption. PDFs also allow business owners control over how their documents look when viewed online, so it's easier for viewers to understand what exactly is being communicated instead of having deciphered text files filled with jargon. If you need to use an online PDF filler for forms, find out more here.


Keeping your small business safe in times of uncertainty can be stressful. However, by utilizing website updates such as PDF fillers and customer testimonials, you can keep your customers happy and grow sales at the same time. Taking these steps will give you peace of mind as you take your business into the future.


The Boardman Chamber of Commerce has plenty of resources available for small businesses of all kinds. Check out what we have to offer today!

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